Download Drama China Dr. Tang Subtitle Indonesia

Download Drama China Dr. Tang Subtitle Indonesia

Download Drama China Dr. Tang Subtitle Indonesia

Download Drama China Dr. Tang Sub indo Seorang ahli bedah wanita yang telah berlatih kedokteran di luar negeri selama bertahun-tahun kembali ke Tiongkok. Dia ditunjuk sebagai direktur Pusat Jantung Rumah Sakit Ankang di mana dia membentuk tim penyakit kritis dan mengepalai proyek untuk mengembangkan jantung buatan di dalam negeri. Kebanyakan orang tidak dapat menerima bahwa Tang Jiayu (Qin Lan) muncul entah dari mana untuk menjadi bos mereka. Meskipun demikian, dia terus membuktikan dirinya melalui serangkaian operasi yang sulit untuk menaklukkan bawahannya satu per satu. Sebagai kepala ahli bedah, Jiayu telah mengembangkan hubungan yang baik dengan ahli anestesi Ye Yiming (Wei Daxun) dari beberapa kali mereka bekerja bersama di meja operasi. Sementara itu, operasi untuk pasien pertama yang menerima jantung buatan ternyata gagal. Kembalinya mantan suami Jiayu secara tiba-tiba telah menghalangi hubungan Jiayu dan Yiming untuk melangkah lebih jauh. Proposal untuk kerjasama dengan produsen peralatan asing sedang diajukan lagi, sehingga menarik steker pada R&D untuk jantung buatan. Setelah mengalami palung ganda dalam karir dan kehidupan cintanya, Jiayu tidak punya pilihan selain melakukan perjalanan jauh ke daerah dengan insiden penyakit jantung bawaan yang tinggi. Melalui setiap operasi, dia secara bertahap mendapatkan kembali cintanya untuk operasi dan kepercayaan diri untuk kembali ke rumah sakit.

Drama: Dr. Tang
Country: China
Episodes: 36
Airs: Jun 25, 2022 – ?
Original Network: iQiyi
Duration: 45 min.

Main Cast
Qin Lan
Wei Da Xun
Gao Lu
Huang Jue
David Wang

Download Drama China Dr. Tang Subtitle Indonesia

info video: 380p,720p[HARDSUBINDO] link source nodrakor

Episode 1

480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDRIVE| FastDrive| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown| Streamlade
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDRIVE| FastDrive| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown| Streamlade

Episode 2

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDRIVE| FastDrive| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown| Streamlade
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDRIVE| FastDrive| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown| Streamlade

Episode 3

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDRIVE| FastDrive| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown| Streamlade
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDRIVE| FastDrive | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown| Streamlade

Episode 4

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | FastDrive| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | FastDrive| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 5

480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | FastDrive| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlare
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | FastDrive| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 6

480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | FastDrive| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 7

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | FastDrive| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | FastDrive| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 8

480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | FastDrive| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | FastDrive| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 9

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | FastDrive| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | FastDrive| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 10

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | FastDrive| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | FastDrive| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 11

480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 12

480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 13

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 14

480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 15

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 16

480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 17

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 18

480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 19

480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 20

480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 21

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 22

480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 23

480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 24

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 25

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 26

480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 27

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 28

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 29

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 30

480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 31

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlade

Episode 32

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlade

Episode 33

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive |  FastDown | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 34

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive |  FastDown | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | FastDown | Streamlade

Episode 35

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare

Episode 36 End

480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDriveFastDown | Streamlare

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